Feeling isolated and out of shape? Connect with a live coach & community of women! : Plus Sizes 4 Her

Plus Sizes 4 Her
Women come in all shapes and sizes. So should their clothes.

Feeling isolated and out of shape? Connect with a live coach & community of women!

by Ellen DuBois on 12/29/21

Missing the support and community of women? MyCurves On Demand + Group Coaching features a live coach and weekly group video chats! FREE resistance band and access to Curves workouts!

If you've ever asked yourself "What foods should I be eating to lose weight?" or "How big should my portion sizes be?", you'll love the Curves Nutrition Program. Designed to help you build healthy eating and exercise habits for life, the Curves Nutrition Program is a balanced and sustainable weight loss program that will help get permanent results, without permanent dieting. Help decrease body fat, increase lean muscle mass, and boost metabolism with Curves Nutrition Program + MyCurves On Demand + Group Coaching membership!

Feeling isolated and out of shape? Connect with a live coach and community of women getting stronger together with MyCurves On Demand + Group Coaching! Plus, FREE resistance band!

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As a small business, I am so appreciative of your support. This website, my Hope Angel Bracelets shop on Etsy and teaching piano to children and adults keeps me busy and I constantly strive to meet your needs so you're happy. I value you and wanted you to know! Be well, Ellen

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