High-quality, sustainable luxe knitwear. Oh-so soft! : Plus Sizes 4 Her

Plus Sizes 4 Her
Women come in all shapes and sizes. So should their clothes.

High-quality, sustainable luxe knitwear. Oh-so soft!

by Ellen DuBois on 10/22/21

"We are a team with a passion for sustainable fabric and high-quality garments rooted in urban style's practicality. By fusing natural materials with an urban style, we create luxurious pieces that fit any occasion. We source our cashmere and wool from the world’s largest pasture – Inner Mongolia. This area has abundant grass and water and is a beautifully peaceful pasture for the gentle care that goes into the sheep herd for an easy, comfortable life. The power of Gentle Herd is to bring the tactile impression for you from nature and deliver to your wardrobe through the season-best wearing." Free Shipping on orders $199+ at GentleHerd.com. No code required. *limited time only

Wrap yourself in the feminine charms of this wool coat. This coat features a clean-lined silhouette

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As a small business, I am so appreciative of your support. This website, my Hope Angel Bracelets shop on Etsy and teaching piano to children and adults keeps me busy and I constantly strive to meet your needs so you're happy. I value you and wanted you to know! Be well, Ellen

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